Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Today is wash day :D (Mobile Post)

I will be uploading pictures, hopefully later today. I did exactly what I did on my last long wash day post except today, my aunt roller set my hair. Bad me! :-P Imma get it tho, y'all. *so country *

I have the sudden urge to start doing my review pages *le gasp!* I really need to work on my blog. & I'm not in love with the template I picked. I like bright stuff, par say, Shika's blog. Maybe I'll go scout out something pinkish. LOL

In other news ; I happened to stumble upon Shika's post about healthy nails ... I read it & I was like "yeah, I need to handle that. " and soon as I went to wash out my DC & in the midst of applying my leave ins, I ended up with a good slice of hair resting in the tip of my nail. :p win some and lose?

You girlies have a blessed day! Ill post the pictures and links to everything I referenced later. :)


  1. yeah, even my hang nails have pulled a hair or two outta my hair! i'm so lost when it comes to installing blog templates...imma give mine a major overhaul this summer.

  2. I recently stumbled across your blog and I LOVE it! I love the layout to the content and everything in between! Your style is just impeccable and your blog is simply the epitome of perfection! I am your newest, most avid follower.

    Your layout is soooo cute!

    Love from, THE EASTERN PEARL

  3. @Miss Iffa: Wow, thank you! Lol. Thanks so much :)
