Monday, March 26, 2012

Changed my layout...

I'm only posting to say that I will be doing major update on my blog. I've been so tied up with graduation and assignments. Graduation, FAFSA, college enrollment = headache. Ya'll pray for me. :P

I will post more on my hair and the other things that I usually *promise* to touch base on. But I have great news. My SO accepted his calling to ministry. :D When he asked me what I thought about it, I didn't act surpised at all. God told me shortly after he and I began dating. :)

I'm not sure when he will decide to go in front of his church, but I am suppporting him all the way. I get tingles in my toes just thinking about it. He is a great man, and he deserves the title of Man of God.

I will return once my agenda has died down a tad bit. I'm so sorry I haven't been as active as usual, but thank you my followers and those who continue to support and read my blog! I promise, I will get back on track once time permits me. I miss all of you greatly, and I've actually been watching all of your YouTube channels. I laughed at ECP "Loreal is the Cadillac of all hair products," LOL XD, I'm such a goof, I giggled aloud.

I hope ya'll are doing well, and just because I haven't been commenting doesn't mean that I haven't been reading. You all stay blessed, I shall return soon! I'll try to keep up with my "weekly post regime" Lol.

C ya!

I'll post the result of that roller set as soon as I can siffer through the 435 media files on my phone. o-o

Have a great day!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Update//Wash Day Pictures

I haven't been here in forever. D; I apoligize abour that, girlies. I know you missed me :o

I've had to take some time off to focus on my studies, and I promise I have not forgotten about my bloggs or yours and the people I follow, etc. I probably won't be posting as frequently, but I will make it a point to update at least once a week. Thank you if you are reading this. :)

I'm still reading TSBH; just awesome. Also, KeraCare never sent me squat. I've moved on. I want to try Kenra :D Any reviews?

Here are some pictures from wash day with the rollers in my hair that my aunt did. My set only lasted for like...two days. I've used the flat iron three times since my last wash. Uhg!

I had another picture, but it's not working? Weird. The set came out nice bouncy and shiny. Lovely and big! I have to switch the side my part is on, though. BC I am loosing hair on the side I wear my part on currently, and I'm also going to switch the way I wrap my hair. Still have to get my ends trimmed. I keep asking my aunt to do it, she says she'll do it, but who is still left with broke off, scraggily ends. My confidence has worn down. :/ I don't think I'll be comfortable with doing my hair until I get my ends trimmed. *sigh*

Anyways, enough rant. Like I said, I'll post whenever it is my convenience. I'm actually supposed to be doing an assignment right now. I have three papers to write. :/ Talk about college preparedness. Lol. Ya'll pray for my success!

Also; my SO and I got off track with our daily Bible readings, but now we're back on track. I'm so delighted because he seems so pasionate when he discusses the Bible. We're supposed to get together every Tuesday and Thursday to walk around the park and read our Bibles, and pray toegther along with reading and dicussion every night. I'm so blessed. :D

Ya'll girlies have a blessed day!

Currently 3/20/12

Hair type: 4a/4b

I am: Relaxed

Hair length: NL


Last Relaxer: 2/18/12

Currently: 4 weeks post

Last trim: God knows when. I’m in the process of getting trimmed.

Last protein treatment: 3/7/12

Wearing my hair: Down & out.

Just purchased: Nothing ;o

Wishlist: Silk Elements Wrap Lotion, Aphogee Essential Oils for Hair, Aphogee ProVitamin Leave-In Conditioner, Aphogee Spritz & Shine Styling Spray, Aphogee Shampoo for Damaged Hair, V05 Moisture Milk Conditioner, ORS Replenishing Deep Conditioner, Crème of Nature Shampoo, Crème of Nature Conditioner, Aphogee Gloss Therapy, Sally’s Argon Oil, Chi Silk Infusion, Roux Pourosity Control, EVOO

Loving: Organix Coconut Milk Anti-Breakage Serum
Experimenting with: DooGroo Vitamin E Vitalizer Complex (name?)

Want to try: Kenra & Affirm Relaxer.

Challenges: -----

Last Updated: March 20, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Today is wash day :D (Mobile Post)

I will be uploading pictures, hopefully later today. I did exactly what I did on my last long wash day post except today, my aunt roller set my hair. Bad me! :-P Imma get it tho, y'all. *so country *

I have the sudden urge to start doing my review pages *le gasp!* I really need to work on my blog. & I'm not in love with the template I picked. I like bright stuff, par say, Shika's blog. Maybe I'll go scout out something pinkish. LOL

In other news ; I happened to stumble upon Shika's post about healthy nails ... I read it & I was like "yeah, I need to handle that. " and soon as I went to wash out my DC & in the midst of applying my leave ins, I ended up with a good slice of hair resting in the tip of my nail. :p win some and lose?

You girlies have a blessed day! Ill post the pictures and links to everything I referenced later. :)

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Science of Black Hair

Hi! I finally got my copy of the Science of Black Hair! I'm very excited. :) The only thing is: I have the "e-version" and I read it on my Nook. But the worse part is, I have no idead where my Nook is, so I have to read it on my Nook App on my phone. >-< So reading it is pretty difficult; ten pages on my phone equal about one page in the actual book.

The good thing about the Nook version, was that I got it INSTANTLY. Versus having to order it and wait two weeks. Also I paid $9.99, no tax, versus the $34.99 for the special edition copy. I wanted the one in color and that's exactly what I wanted, with the down soud of having to strain my eyes in order to read. :P

So far, I've gotten halfway through Chapter 1. I'm usually a fast reader, but sometimes I just have to take a break from my phone. As much as I would like to read and learn more (which I am!), I just can't take too much straining.

Also, I can highlight with my App, it's just not the same as the actual book and being able to highlight. A lot of the key points are in little cute decorative boxes on certain pages in the books, which my apps pick up as a picture...I can't highlight a picture. :/

But enough about the App, and my phone, and my eyes, and straining! The book is amazing. And I'm far away from being knee-deep in. It starts off my breaking down the actual science and structure of the hair strands and follices, hair shedding processes, what our hair and scalp is composed of, etc. As much as I wish to skip ahead to the juicy details, I'm afraid that if I do, I won't get as much fullfilment out of the book as I can with reading the whole thing. I've learned alot in the first couple of pages. According to my App, I'm on page 43, which is almost the end of the first Chapter, I think. I just know the next topic begins on page 45. Lol. But like I said, it's amazing. You guys who haven't read it, should definitely do so. You won't regret it.

For those of you who have, what are your thoughts on the Science of Black Hair? Give me a quick review of what you may have liked or not liked. Was it worth your money? How are you feeling now that you know what you know about hair?

Thanks girlies! It's much appreciated! Also, today, I'm wearing my hair down and I'm not sure if I actually mentioned I got my hair back on track with my cholestoral treatment (with the unhealthy hair ingredients :/). I'm intrested in trying Kenra as my shampoo, clarifying, conditioning, and DC'ing systems. Any reviews from you guys?

Ya'll have a blessed day! I'm thinking about changing the way the blog looks. Hmm....

Friday, March 9, 2012

BSS Suggestions?/Currently 3/9/12

Hi, girlies! I'm just interested in you guys "basic" BSS list. Are there any products that you recommend that I should buy? Also, what are your top 3 products that you absolutely cannot live or do without. You all are welcomed to put more products :)

Also, on RHH I've seen her ask this question and I'd like to ask you all: If I was rich and had a million dollars to give each of you to get my hair in tip top shape like you girls', what would you do/suggest? Elaborate if you must! :D

Also, my Vitamins are working. My NG was thick after two days of use. I forgot to take pictures. XD But they're great. Spring Valley Hair, Skin, and Nail Vitamins<3

Also do you all ever have random cravings for Chineese food? BC I promise I've been living off of the desire for like a month! I get out of school early today, I may drop by Hong Kong Chef on the way to my SO's house. Lol.

Ya'll have a good one! Still waiting on KeraCare :P

Also, something to lift ya'lls spirits :D This is my song. God is so good, ya'll. "Sometimes I don't know the words to say, I just say OHOO" :D

Hair type: 4a/4b

I am: Relaxed

Hair length: NL

Hair goals: SL by May 2012

Last Relaxer: 2/18/12

Currently: 3 weeks post

Last trim: God knows when. I’m in the process of getting trimmed

Last protein treatment: 3/7/12

Wearing my hair: Pulled back. I could have still worn my hair from the previous Wash Day post, but this morning I tried to Bantu Knot my hair. FAIL. D;

Just purchased: Aphogee Keratin & Green Tea Restructuriser, Aphogee Style & Wrap Mousse, Organix Coconut Milk Anti-Breakage Serum, Spring Valley Hair, Skin, & Nail Vitamins

Wishlist: Silk Elements Wrap Lotion, Aphogee Essential Oils for Hair, Aphogee ProVitamin Leave-In Conditioner, Aphogee Spritz & Shine Styling Spray, Aphogee Shampoo for Damaged Hair, V05 Moisture Milk Conditioner, ORS Replenishing Deep Conditioner, Crème of Nature Shampoo, Crème of Nature Conditioner, Aphogee Gloss Therapy, Sally’s Argon Oil, Chi Silk Infusion, Roux Pourosity Control, EVOO

Loving: Aphogee Keratin and Green Tea Reconstructoriser! I like the Coconut Milk, as well.

Experimenting with: Apogee; its amazing! But I am also looking for something to balance out all of that protein… What do you all think of Elasta QP?

Want to try: KeraCare, waiting on my samples to come in the mail! :D Thanks Vee. :)

Challenges: Keeping my hair from breaking, reconstructing

Last Updated: March 9, 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012

ROLLER SET = FAIL. Stringy, over moisturised hair, humiliation.

;-; Lol, so I tried to roller set my hair. I was in the middle of it when I got a text from my SO saying that he was going to call me in a few. Well, I wasn't done with my hair, but I went and waited on his call anyway. Btw, I don't think my not being finished of the rollers really mattered. Considering that they were all over the place in the back of my head, with hair sticking out every where, when I'd specifically followed the "make sure less hair is on the length of the roller" ; also this was during the time of my last post.

Anyway, after I got the text, I decided to post (IE; below post) about my ventures. Child. After I posted, I fell alseep. When I woke up, I was on the phone with my SO and my hair was a half dry, half wet mess! I was like "What?" and my SO was just talking...I couldn't even remember answering the phone. All I remember was him saying "You ignoring me, girl?" that's all I remember. LOL. So I took the rollers out, let it dry over night...BAD MISTAKE.

Mizani Moisturefuse is meant to be followed by it's instructions and not to be used as a DC. I DC'd with it for over an hour and ended up with stringy over moisturised hair. *how embarrasing* I tried bumping it with the curling iron the next morning, but it all it looked like was a GIANT COTTON BALL. I'm not lying. :/

So yesterday, I DC'd for like an hour and a half with a protein based conditioner, so shampoo, and my hair is doing fine, except I had to pull it back into a ponytail because I didn't really have time to mess with it. I guess I'll try again next time with the rollers, they won this round, but I shall end victorious! *I hope* Lol.

Have a blessed day girls. :P

*TRIP TO THE BSS THIS WEEKEND! *can't resist inner PJ'ism ^_^*

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Im ready for wash day to be OVER ... (Mobile Post)

Child! I'm at it with the rollers and they're at it with me! They don't too much like me. That Mohawk the back thing is not working, and I'm probably going to have to flat iron. :/ I know practice takes perfect and with patience comes practice, but I never knew how hard it would be to part your hair! I tried "thredding" it, holding up a mirror, but the mirror can only do so much as you have to hold the hair with one hand and the mirror with the other. I even had to ask my aunt to do my ear to ear part. :/

Now, comes the front, which will hopefully turn out way better than the back. Wish me luck you guys and I hope my work does not go for naught. The key was not to use a flat iron but ill have to do so anyway for the stray hairs.

I took my vitamins! All three of them. All three giant, pills. :P

Still waiting on my KeraCare samples? Hmm ...

I will reply to comments in the morning.

I need a healing for my soul...

"I need a healing for my soul
So give me a healing for my soul
I need a healing for my soul
So give me a healing for my soul
(just for my soul I need healing)
Lord I'm looking for a new life so just for my soul
(just for my soul I need healing)
Lord I'm tired of crying all night so just for my soul
(just for my soul I need)
Lord I need thee oh I need thee
To take away this pain and misery
Cause god I just can't do this by myself
I need help lord..."
I am in love with this song. It actually matches the way I've been feeling lately. It's sad how often times it takes something to hit you hard on the head for you stop and think This is a ruse. I am still human, and I do have feelings. I feel that we as humans, women moreso, try to put on for our loves ones. What I mean is that, we try our best to maintain our cools. We try not to yell, and we evidently hide our feelings. We worry so much about the burden of other people, we tend to forget about ourselves.

Yesterday, that lesson was taught to me. I got into an argument with my cousin, who is younger than I am, and he was challenging me on the topic of maturity. He claimed that I was imature and that I won't be able to stand alone in college due to the following reasons:
  • I do not drive.
  • I do not have a job.
  • I apparently "can't comb my hair"
  • I rely too much on my parents
  • I whine to my parents
  • I rely too much on my boyfriend
  • I whine to my boyfriend
  • And he referred to the way I address my mom as "mommy" sometimes, and how I give my boyfriend little pet names such as "Noonie/Dookie Bear"
He claimed that he was "so much more" mature than I am, then it hit me. Why I am explaining myself to you? You're a CHILD. Compared to me. I told him things of this sort:
  • I do not drive, because I am not worried about driving. On the other hand, its a bother to me anyway. I used to be excited about it, and now it irritates me. I don't like driving.
  • I held a job for more than 18 months with an excellent customer service record, and at one time I held THREE jobs, to do for me. I didn't have a boyfriend. I worked at a grocery store, a toy store on the days I wasn't at the grocery store, and every once of "free time" I did have was spent BABYSITTING. I made my own means.
  • I rely on my parents because ... they are my parents! They may live eight hours away, but they are who take care of me. I actually wish I'd chose to stay with them, but I wanted to stay near my boyfriend. Which makes it worth the sacrifice (I have a GOOD man, ya'll.) And what is to you? Are you mad because I can ask my parents for the moon and stars in the sky, and they work just enough to give that to me? I'm not trying to be sarcastic and/or funny. I'm being serious.
  • I do whine to my mama. I admit. But who cares? I know she don't listen when I do that, anyway. :P
  • I do not rely on my boyfriend. As a matter of fact my man. My man who does for me simply because he chooses to. If I ask him for the moon, he'll give it to me, because he loves me. He works hard for us, he takes care of me because he wants to. I've been trained to never rely on a man, and I often yell at him for handling jobs that typically belong to my parents or myself. One time I mentioned under my breath that I needed more bins in order to fit the rest of my belongings in my aunts house. HE WENT BOUGHT THEM ALL. That was never intended by me. My mom always says "You never have to tell a MAN what you need, he knows what you need." I don't have to ask him for anything. If I so much as think "Jump!" he's already trying to figure out "How high?" I know I don't need him, he's a young man as I am a young lady, but he's more of a man than my cousin could ever be.
  • So what if I call my mama "mommy" or my man "baby" ; what business is it of yours?! Child.
I was mad ya'll. Then I refreshed my mind with Kelly Price's lyrics. I felt like crying myself to sleep, because for him to challenge me when he has NO IDEA what I'm going through. I thought I know I've gone through things he probably wouldn't even be able to think about! And then I came to "why are you explaining yourself to a child?" Uhg. I told him to never talk to me again for the rest of the year. This was broken, when I had to knock on his door to get MY phone charger from him. My own family. Child.

I'm sorry guys, I had to get that off my chest.

Good news!: Today is wash day :D; Shika, I'm trying the rollerset...pray for me ya'll. Haha. I will take pictures. :) And do any of you have any alternatives to Motion's Leave In?

Have a blessed day :)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Wash Day Photos (Late)/Currently 3/4/12

Finally the famous and LONG over do wash day pics! Lol. Enjoy and PLEASE provide feedback! Here goes

That's just how my hair looks when it's wet. This is before I detangled it. (AFTER I PRE-POO'D. God, I fail. Lol. :P) 

*The school I am going to is actually featured on this shirt. :) If you're familiar with Bayou Classic, it's one of those two schools.

A back view picture of my hair while it's wet. It's kind of blury...

Look at all the hair I lost due to the a fore mentioned detangling AFTER the PP. You're supposed to (well, I am) detangle before you put in PP and after you put in your leave-ins! Score one for Raven. -rolls eyes- At least I know what do do next time. I was completely appalled! If you read by Wash Day post, I think I mentioned that I didn't see virtually ANY hair in the sink after I DC'd! No more not detangling for me. :/ It's bad enough that I shed, that was a handful of hair! Well...I have pretty small hands...xD (But still! :P)

As you can see how small my hand is. Lol. But I took this picture to place emphasis on how much (or how little) Coconut Milk I pit into my hair. I'm not sure if you can see it, but I can...:P It's that little dip of my palm...hmm, I might edit it, if I remember for my future reference.

That was actually my reaction after I got from under the dryer. Lol. (Low heat, no more than an hour; I think on this day, I only stayed under for a little over 45 minutes, or maybe less. It's in the Wash Day post. Lol. And I use a Vidal Sasoon Ionic Hooded Dryer. My mom gave me her old one and she actually got a new one exactly like mine excepts it's pretty and purple D;) 

But, honestly can you see how split and scraggily my ends are?! I can't wait to get them clipped. I'm so frustrated, I'm willing to do it myself....

I went from scraggily ends to this! :D I love how pretty it is! And excuse the way I was looking in the picture, I was tired and ready for Wash Day to be OVER. Lol. Also, I don't have front bangs. This is how I part my hair to wrap it. I can wrap either right or left, depending on what my hair "needs" if that makes sense. This week, I have wrapped my hair RIGHT and used bobby pins to hold it down. I tied up with my (pink! :D) satin scarf. *Note to self, I love this brand of scarf, but it's too big. You had to rip it in order to fit on your head... :'(
 I still can't wait for my ends to be clipped. Siiiigh.

Back view. You can see a little piece of the flat iron I used. (Yes, I went there! PINK BABY. LOL. :P) I have about four different flat irons that I use and one curling iron used only when I feel like I need a "bump" ; many of my tools are by Vidal Sasoon. The one I used that night was my Pink Revlon Ceramic 1" Flat Iron that I absolutely cannot find pictures of it on the internet. It's a pretty awesome flat iron; high in quality to say I only wanted a pink flat iron.

Top view, and view of roots. I love this picture. Look at how little Coconut Milk I used and the result it yeilded! Just lovely. The PP'ing also contributed to this.

Another top view at a different angle.

Another back view with those sloppy broke off ends. It looks a little nicer than the last, though. All these pictures really make me itch for those scissors...

I really don't like this picture, but as I said, my end results come from the "take down" of my wrap the next morning. This was actually taken shortly after school. Ew, my teeth look freakishly huge in this

Well, there ya have it folks! Those long overdo pictures! Lol. :D Please provide me with feedback. Much appreciated. :) 

Have a blessed day, you girlies! 
Currenlty working on blog pages. If I don't get lazy by the end of the day, Lol.

Hair type: 4a/4b

I am: Relaxed

Hair length: NL

Hair goals: SL by May 2012

Last Relaxer: 2/18/12

Currently: 3 weeks post

Last trim: God knows when. I’m in the process of getting trimmed

Last protein treatment: 2/28/12

Wearing my hair: Pulled back. I could have still worn my hair from the previous Wash Day post, but this morning I tried to Bantu Knot my hair. FAIL. D;

Just purchased: Aphogee Keratin & Green Tea Restructuriser, Aphogee Style & Wrap Mousse, Organix Coconut Milk Anti-Breakage Serum, Spring Valley Hair, Skin, & Nail Vitamins

Wishlist: Silk Elements Wrap Lotion, Aphogee Essential Oils for Hair, Aphogee ProVitamin Leave-In Conditioner, Aphogee Spritz & Shine Styling Spray, Aphogee Shampoo for Damaged Hair, V05 Moisture Milk Conditioner, ORS Replenishing Deep Conditioner, Crème of Nature Shampoo, Crème of Nature Conditioner, Aphogee Gloss Therapy, Sally’s Argon Oil, Chi Silk Infusion, Roux Pourosity Control, EVOO

Loving: Aphogee Keratin and Green Tea Reconstructoriser! I like the Coconut Milk, as well.

Experimenting with: Apogee; its amazing! But I am also looking for something to balance out all of that protein… What do you all think of Elasta QP?

Want to try: KeraCare, waiting on my samples to come in the mail! :D Thanks Vee. :)

Challenges: Keeping my hair from breaking, reconstructing

Last Updated: March 4, 201

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Update! (Mobile Post)

Due to my computer acting freakish, I am currently unable to post on it. :P But a good number of you have left comments and I will do everything I can in my ability to make sure I reply to you all as soon as possible. Hopefully that will be soon and I will be able to post my wash day pictures. I also plan on the debut of my college decision. ;)

Also, I have been YEARNING to try a roller set in my hair. But I have always been afraid of the results. Well, I did do it one time about two years ago and the results were enough to scare anyone. But, I am at it again as eventually I'd like to roller set and air dry. The wonderful Shika of Hair I Am World has definitely encouraged me to cross that boundary of fear and to actually go forward and roller set. I will post the link when I am able to. I am sorry this is short but please check out Shika's video and blog ... and her beautiful hair while you're at it.

You all have a BLESSED day :)

Friday, March 2, 2012

GP are ya with me?!

Lol. Currently listening to S.T.O.M.P. by Kirk Franklin the Original Mix. :) Duuuude, I just discovered the Contemporay Gospel station on Pandora. -spazzes- OMG. I don't think I've mentioned before, but I have decided that I will no longer be (if I can help) listening to anything other than Gospel/Christain/Worship music. And I've noticed a change. It's a wonderful transition of maturity. I feel calmer, I don't get as angry, and I am constantly reminded of God's grace. It's a wonderful thing to do, and I think it's the greatest decision I've ever made in contribution to my happiness. I no longer wish to listen to "secular" music. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it, I'm only speaking from my personal point of view. I used to sit and wonder how people like my mom and dad, or my boyfriend's parents, and also other people I've met can just sit and listen to gospel all day. It never made any sense to me, but now I understand. It is more of a personal thing. My mom always says to me "When you know better, you DO better." As far back as I can remember, she always made it a point to say "Does that uplift God?"

And don't get me started on the HIP HOP CULTRAL MOVEMENT Series that was held at my church. I LEARNED SO MUCH. And I will post on that later in life. Lol. But I'm serious about sharing what I learned with all of you. I said all that to say, when we know it doesn't promote God, why would we do it? I know it may seem like I'm blowing something so simple out proportion, like music, but it has always been a serious issue to me. Every time I would reload my iPod or the MP3 on my phone, a thought would go through my head "Delete and start over," and I wouldn't even have to think about with what, because I already knew the answer. This is where my heart lies. Praising and worshipping my savior. He does so many great things for us, He always waits for us, but we do a half jobs and expect instant blessings. It really makes you think. I'm quite proud of myself that I've come to this realisation. It seems like more and more everyday, I gain an ounce of maturity. It's a great feeling. :) I absolutely love that I have erased that contributing factor to the negativety in my life. I am a happier person. :)

I HAVE GREAT NEWS: I've also decided on which college I will be attending! :D I will post when I can make a pretty and nice banner or something to support my new school. Of all schools that I can get into, I chose this one. Everyone told me not to go, because I should be surrounded by people of my calibur, but I think I'll be fine. I have God on my side, child. :D

Have a BLESSED day. :D