Monday, March 12, 2012

The Science of Black Hair

Hi! I finally got my copy of the Science of Black Hair! I'm very excited. :) The only thing is: I have the "e-version" and I read it on my Nook. But the worse part is, I have no idead where my Nook is, so I have to read it on my Nook App on my phone. >-< So reading it is pretty difficult; ten pages on my phone equal about one page in the actual book.

The good thing about the Nook version, was that I got it INSTANTLY. Versus having to order it and wait two weeks. Also I paid $9.99, no tax, versus the $34.99 for the special edition copy. I wanted the one in color and that's exactly what I wanted, with the down soud of having to strain my eyes in order to read. :P

So far, I've gotten halfway through Chapter 1. I'm usually a fast reader, but sometimes I just have to take a break from my phone. As much as I would like to read and learn more (which I am!), I just can't take too much straining.

Also, I can highlight with my App, it's just not the same as the actual book and being able to highlight. A lot of the key points are in little cute decorative boxes on certain pages in the books, which my apps pick up as a picture...I can't highlight a picture. :/

But enough about the App, and my phone, and my eyes, and straining! The book is amazing. And I'm far away from being knee-deep in. It starts off my breaking down the actual science and structure of the hair strands and follices, hair shedding processes, what our hair and scalp is composed of, etc. As much as I wish to skip ahead to the juicy details, I'm afraid that if I do, I won't get as much fullfilment out of the book as I can with reading the whole thing. I've learned alot in the first couple of pages. According to my App, I'm on page 43, which is almost the end of the first Chapter, I think. I just know the next topic begins on page 45. Lol. But like I said, it's amazing. You guys who haven't read it, should definitely do so. You won't regret it.

For those of you who have, what are your thoughts on the Science of Black Hair? Give me a quick review of what you may have liked or not liked. Was it worth your money? How are you feeling now that you know what you know about hair?

Thanks girlies! It's much appreciated! Also, today, I'm wearing my hair down and I'm not sure if I actually mentioned I got my hair back on track with my cholestoral treatment (with the unhealthy hair ingredients :/). I'm intrested in trying Kenra as my shampoo, clarifying, conditioning, and DC'ing systems. Any reviews from you guys?

Ya'll have a blessed day! I'm thinking about changing the way the blog looks. Hmm....


  1. I don't have this book yet but I plan on purchasing it in the future. I love reason for enjoyment but being in school has taken that away from me. When I'm reading a book I always feel like I should be studying/ reading my textbook. Crazy I know. But I hear great things about it.

  2. Hey! I don't own this book but I've browsed my best friend's copy and it's pretty good! Did you get your KeraCare samples yet?

  3. First I love the new blog layout! :)
    I actually have this book and love it. It;s a great resource for both relaxed and natural ladies. I'm actually doing a giveaway for a copy next week :)

  4. @ Shika; no samples yet :( I honestly think they forgot about me :/
