Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Im ready for wash day to be OVER ... (Mobile Post)

Child! I'm at it with the rollers and they're at it with me! They don't too much like me. That Mohawk the back thing is not working, and I'm probably going to have to flat iron. :/ I know practice takes perfect and with patience comes practice, but I never knew how hard it would be to part your hair! I tried "thredding" it, holding up a mirror, but the mirror can only do so much as you have to hold the hair with one hand and the mirror with the other. I even had to ask my aunt to do my ear to ear part. :/

Now, comes the front, which will hopefully turn out way better than the back. Wish me luck you guys and I hope my work does not go for naught. The key was not to use a flat iron but ill have to do so anyway for the stray hairs.

I took my vitamins! All three of them. All three giant, pills. :P

Still waiting on my KeraCare samples? Hmm ...

I will reply to comments in the morning.


  1. lmao! I hope you won against ur rollers! I know this is so cliche and old BUT practice REALLY does make perfect!

  2. lol...keep at it. You'll get better :) Don't worry the samples are on their way :0

  3. Aww! How did it end up turning out?

  4. Lol.It will get better. Experiment with different techniques and different ways of setting your hair until you find out how it works for you. I hope it turned out great.

  5. Thank you so much LaQT :D

    @Shika: HORRIBLE. xDDD
