Monday, March 26, 2012

Changed my layout...

I'm only posting to say that I will be doing major update on my blog. I've been so tied up with graduation and assignments. Graduation, FAFSA, college enrollment = headache. Ya'll pray for me. :P

I will post more on my hair and the other things that I usually *promise* to touch base on. But I have great news. My SO accepted his calling to ministry. :D When he asked me what I thought about it, I didn't act surpised at all. God told me shortly after he and I began dating. :)

I'm not sure when he will decide to go in front of his church, but I am suppporting him all the way. I get tingles in my toes just thinking about it. He is a great man, and he deserves the title of Man of God.

I will return once my agenda has died down a tad bit. I'm so sorry I haven't been as active as usual, but thank you my followers and those who continue to support and read my blog! I promise, I will get back on track once time permits me. I miss all of you greatly, and I've actually been watching all of your YouTube channels. I laughed at ECP "Loreal is the Cadillac of all hair products," LOL XD, I'm such a goof, I giggled aloud.

I hope ya'll are doing well, and just because I haven't been commenting doesn't mean that I haven't been reading. You all stay blessed, I shall return soon! I'll try to keep up with my "weekly post regime" Lol.

C ya!

I'll post the result of that roller set as soon as I can siffer through the 435 media files on my phone. o-o

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to him!! That's awesome!! Good luck with the rest of your semester girlll!
